Help & Support - last updated: 01 January 1970 0:00

You can communicate your genetic information with your family members via: mail, email, telephone or through our Genetic Test Sharing app. If you do not have your relatives contact information, you can ask another relative to see if they have it or know another who does. Additionally, social media (e.g. Facebook) is another great way to find relatives.

Reminder: You do not have to be an expert to share the information Genetic information is complex and can be hard to explain. It is important to remember that you do not have to know all the information. There are experts who can help answer your relative’s questions. Online resources can be another option however, it is important to make sure you are reading credible resources. Just because it is on the internet does not make it accurate.

Dealing with your emotions and feelings of sharing "Bad News" Some people do not share their genetic information because they do not want to be the bearer of bad news. Please remember that while talking about genetic risk can be an uncomfortable conversation, you are sharing information that may help your relatives prevent or detect disease at an early and treatable stage. You may just be saving their life by sharing this information.